'Twas very effective, i'm truly amazed, how did you shaped out all those dust effects, scars on every items and stuff. Gunfire animation was absolutely perfect, as great as movement of the pepole, which was so smooth and realistic that i actually belived it was a real's person shadow back there in the smoke.
Your perfectionism in all those tiny details and effectivness of a fight is both a great feature and a flaw. I belive that making dynamic movies in flash, authors do some incredible work, by making animation balanced. It's no point in drawing a simple 1-2 sec scene in one week or more, beacuse your beautiful backgrounds fade away faster, than you can even interpretate them.
Second big flaw was that whole action was predictable, and very pointless. You should make something that actually have any plot. Even movies from the Madness series have some silly background story. If not the graphic quality, then what could you sell with this movie? If I made the same movie with the same actions but without graphical fireworks and stuff, the score of my movie would oscillate somwhere around 3,4.
Overally: You made something, which only pretended to be something big, beacuse your movie in my feeling collapsed under it's own weight.
Well it leaves the vote: 7/10 4/5 Keep up the good work in the future :)