good, but...
Plot, which is the most important stuff in this kind of movies was pointless, and well.. not original.
Again school, again super-duper-powered students, some post-apocallyptic world. School life is as hell as boring. You try making your characters a living persons with feelings, but it ends like you've make them emotional cripples, who hit each other, when they are arguing.
And, where the new school recruits come from? World is in a desolate state afer all, yes? And above all, where is the whole point of keeping those students in the bases? To brainwash them?
The characters:
- L-from-Death-Note like guy, the Prodigy, who doesn't have any human feelings at all.
-Cybil, tough ass bitch, who isn't actually a bitch but a sobbering whimpy girl inside
-Prodigy's mates, taken from the random shoen anime, acting like trying to be cool, but actually being lame
-Super evil villian, mad man, controlling whole the US. Soooo original.
Animation weren't so bad, however you need more detailed foregrounds and backgrounds. Pepole gestures are pretty good, i like noses of your characters :P
Sound quality could be better, you could use less variety of music to keep it possibly non-mixed. Voice acting is awesome, you really feel emotions coming from the voice actors.
Overally, try to make it more original. Basing your plot on existing stories isn't always that great.
Keep up the good work, I hope you will suprise me in another episode :)