Typical american point of view
About history: I'm fom Poland and I knot a thousands times better ab. II WW, than you. France and GB was a cowards and tried to deal with Germany by appeacment politics. They gaved a Czechoslovasia to Hitler, and hoped he will had enough. But Hitler became even stroeger in Czechoslovasia, cuz they had better types of weapons and artilery. And so Nazis became stronger. Hitler wanted to attack Poland at 25 august 1939, but polish goverment had created a pact of military help with GB. Few days later Hitler attacked Poland. But earlier, germany had written a pact Ribentrov-Molotov wich said that half of poland will belong to Third Reich, and other half to ZSRR (Stalin). At 2th October 1939 Poland was captured by Germans. At few days of WW II begin, the french army walked few kilometers into german territory, but they retreated, becuse noone attacked them there, just beacuse Hitler put all his army to capture Poland.
This all is ture history. You created few fighting soldiers, few Hakenkreuzes, few audio and few dates of history.
When making movies like that, try to put more facts in this.
Movie stands on the great lvl. I gaved you 4/5.
Continue your work and try to create diffrent point of wiev on WWII than Americans do. Read some books before, and maybie you will learn something useful. Good Luck!